We all need to feel cared about. Think back to a time when you received a random act of kindness that wasn't planned, how did you feel? Touched, appreciated?
Did it make your day?
If each one of us decided to offer kindness daily to someone, our world would change.
Here are 3 ways to extend yourself that might not be top of mind.
1. Treat yourself with kindness. When we are kind to ourselves, we give off good vibes. Someone coming in contact with us will benefit by our positive energy field.
2. Appreciate Something Special. Pick a positive quality of the person. It could be as simple as something you like about the way they are dressed. When someone takes the time to praise us, it feels good.
3. Watch your knee-jerk reaction. So often we are in the habit of criticizing ourselves and others, Watch your words. Don't belittle, criticize, or talk about something that went wrong. You want to spread good news, not the bad.
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